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Where to use SELF - your opinion
A chance to contribute something possibly useful to this list! The
ratio of C++ to SELF code I've written is about 1000:1...
You might be amused by this (lightly edited) note I once jotted down
about why C++ code is typically faster than smalltalk etc.
Not exhaustive or authoritative. The general theme is about how
C++ is built so as to (nearly) require certain optimizations,
counter-optimizations, and safety sacrifices by programmers.
* Embedding
In C++, objects are laid out as records containing subobjects
(including embedded superclass objects), not pointers to other
objects, unless explicitly indicated otherwise.
* Fewer run-time allocations (Space for the object
is allocated all at once. Space for other internal
objects that cannot be embedded (but are explicitly
pointed to) must be manually allocated within constructor code.)
* Less run-time pointer-chasing. Embedded objects are
accessed via offsets from the base address of the object.
Can be (and is) done in a way so that the offsets in
subclass objects are the same as in their superclasses.
* Since class membership of embedded objects cannot ever
change, more method -> code mappings may be resolved at
compile time. Not that C++ compilers actually do much of
this except in...
* Extreme cases: Builtin classes like `int' have their
representations and implementations irrevocably tied to their
interfaces, so are always embedded.
* Programmers often forget to allocate non-embedded objects,
or incorrectly allocate them.
* Embedded objects cannot be switched at run-time,
eliminating many delegation-style design idioms.
This also leads to `chopped copy' errors in those
cases where programmers forget that assignment
operations generate partial copies of subclass objects
rather than the pointer rebindings they probably had in mind.
* The exact (maximal) class membership of all embedded objects must be
specified at class-declaration-time. This eliminates
the ability for subclasses to contain embedded
objects that are subclasses of those in the original
declarations, hence detracting from extensibility.
* It takes enough extra work to create new classes with the
same interfaces as builtins but with different
implementations that programmers hardly ever do it.
(Actually, it's worse: you cannot quite exactly duplicate
interfaces of builtins.) This leads to less safe code,
for example, when multi-precision arith is only sometimes
* Embedding + the ability to obtain and export the address
of embedded objects + pointer arithmetic + casts +
destructors makes GC impossible(?)
* Allocation and access strategies for embedded superclass
objects under multiple inheritance are arcane, error
prone, and the source of many C++ compiler bugs.
* Arrays in C/C++ are defined as consecutively allocated
collections of embedded objects. This enables
fast pointer arithmetic for sequential and random access
but does not mesh AT ALL with the notion of subclassing.
This leads to mandated(!) code generation errors;
e.g., arrays of subclass objects of different size as
nominally specified classes are incorrectly addressed
in many situations.
* Stack allocation
`Local', `direct' objects are stack-allocated at run time.
This is also a kind of embedding, but in a different sense.
* Stack frame allocation is usually faster than heap allocation.
* Stack frame deallocation is always faster than first-generation
heap scavenging.
* Programmers must decide when to stack-allocate. They
often decide wrong, creating dangling pointers.
* Only objects whose exact class is known at program-time
may be stack allocated. Programmers sometimes hopelessly mangle
their designs in order to allow this.
* Distinctions between stack-allocated and heap-allocated
objects permeate the language (roughly, `direct' versus
pointed-to objects), adding to complexity and detracting
from usability and understandability.
* Manual deallocation
Heap-allocated objects must be manually deallocated.
* Deleting objects as soon as they are not needed is
sometimes faster and less space-consumptive than GC.
* The fact that an object is unreferenceable is often not
locally decidable by any object or at any program-point.
Lots of errors.
* Some C++ constructs automatically generate objects
(mainly expression temporaries) that compilers themselves
cannot know when to deallocate. Without GC, the
language is forced to prescribe patently unsafe deallocation
rules. Lots more errors.
* The C++ construct (destructors) that triggers most
deallocation may be abused so as to perform actions
unrelated to resource management. More errors, usually
springing from rules about how destructors are supposed
to cascade up through superclasses.
* Exception handling, concurrency, GC, and distribution are all
horribly complicated by the presence of destructors.
* Often enough, manual deallocation is a COUNTER-optimization;
GC would be faster and sometimes even less space-consumptive.
* Vtbls/Vptrs
C++ enables (mandates?) a particular dispatching scheme:
-- Each object contains a pointer (vptr) to a vector (vtbl) of
function pointers to the implementation code shared by all
objects of its class. The vector is laid out so that the
same function ptr lies at the same offset in the vtbls for
all subclasses of a class.
-- Each message type is mapped to a vtbl offset at compile
time. At run time, the call is made via an offset indirect
* This is faster than some other schemes.
* The requirement that offsets be known at compile time
requires the degree of type-checking enforced by C++.
Generally, programmers may only invoke a method on an
object if it is trivially decidable that the recipient
actually implements it.
* There is no need for a run-time system that represents
class and method characteristics in order to support
run-time method->code mappings and queries. (This
is less true if/when C++ compilers support exceptions
and run-time type queries.)
* This scheme is among the few that are compatible with
separate compilation, which is mandated(?) in C++.
* This is not always faster than other schemes, especially
under multiple inheritance. With MI, a second level of
indirection must sometimes be employed, and always be
tested for.
* Vtbl-oriented C++ rules make it difficult to build compilers
that employ faster strategies in those cases where they
are possible. For example, there is no way for programmers
to declare that a class is necessarily a `leaf' class,
whose methods are all statically determinable (and thus
may be directly called, inlined, or procedurally
* Because C++ mandates that method->offset maps be statically
computable, the language introduces casts by which
programmers assert that an object has a narrower type than
trivially determinable from declared type information.
Programmers sometimes get this wrong, leading to less
safe code than possible in languages like smalltalk and
SELF where the run-time system always correctly performs
similar mappings.
* Similarly, there is sometimes no simple way to express the
notion `if this object supports method m, then call it'.
* Vtbl-oriented rules do not generalize to multimethods.
All multimethods are only statically resolved based on
nominal type information. This leads to errors in the
common case where the static best match is not the same as
the dynamic best match. More often, it leads to design errors in
which programmers attempt to employ single-dispatching
when they ought to be using multimethods.
* Similarly, top-level operations are only statically resolved
in accord with very messy rules (the infamous ARM section
13.2). More errors. It also leads to programmers defining
irrelevant one-argument operations as methods in classes
simply in order to have them dispatch right.
* Since vtbls are shared by all objects of a class,
individual objects cannot dynamically change
method implementations in a simple way. All strategies
for evading this are error-prone and/or unsafe.
* The C++ type system appears to be more centered around
static mapping considerations than true type safety. For
example, covariant return types, contravariant arguments,
closest-match multimethod, top-level, and class-wide
(`static member function') operation dispatch, and other
conformance-based policies would be more safe than current
rules allow.
* Templates
With parameterized types, related classes (and functions) may
share source code that is expanded in context rather than
shared and invoked.
* Expansion often allows easier and better contextual
* Expansion enables object embeddings (as above) that would not
possible otherwise, so saves indirection.
* The associated type mechanisms improve both expressiveness
and static safety.
Expressiveness: Since C++ has no root class, it is
otherwise impossible to declare, e.g., a `ListOfAnything'.
(Although cheating via `void*' is semi-officially sanctioned.)
Safety: Or rather, more convenient safety. For example, if
a client needs a ListOfBorderedWindow rather than a
ListOfWindow in order to be sure it can recolor the
borders of all elements, it is easy to declare both
kinds of classes as instantiations of ListOF<T>. These
share source code even though they do not bear a
subclass relation to each other. If programmers had
to redeclare each kind from scratch, they wouldn't.
* Expansion is normally, but not always always better. It
generates bigger executables, which may run more slowly
because of cache misses, etc. There is no easy way for
programmers to specify that two classes bear a
parameterized class relation to each other but should
share exectutable code. It would be extremely hard for
compilers to discover this on their own. This is exactly
the opposite problem as mentioned above, where you'd like
compilers to special-case expand/customize leaf class
mechanics, etc.
* As above, C++ PT rules appear more centered around
guarantees about expansion than safety.
* Morals
Embedding, stack allocation, manual deallocation, vtbl dispatching
and template-based expansion are all (sometimes) OPTIMIZATIONS that C++
pretty much forces upon programmers.
In better languages, these things would at best be `pragmas', and
mostly performed by a compiler in those cases where the overall
design allowed it, and in which they are expected to in fact be
optimizations rather than pessimizations. This would be pretty
hard. But as shown by some of the work on the SELF compiler, many
of these, plus others, are not at all outside the realm of
technical feasibility.
Given the lack of a better language, C++ programmers may still
design programs in ways that completely ignore these (mis)features
(e.g., use no embedded objects, no direct locals, use generators
instead of constructors, assume `smart pointers' enabling GC, use
conformance-based interface design, etc.) and then perform those
necessary or desired optimizations and other (non-optimizing)
transformations from there. Good tools and `design languages'
would help a lot.
4-Nov-92 19:17:51-GMT,1374;000000000000
Received: by otis.Stanford.Edu (4.1/SMI-4.1)
id AA03534; Wed, 4 Nov 92 11:17:51 PST
Resent-Message-Id: <9211041917.AA03534@otis.Stanford.Edu>
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Received: by otis.Stanford.Edu (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA03523; Wed, 4 Nov 92
11:16:24 PST
Sender: Urs Hoelzle <urs@otis>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 92 11:16:24 PST
From: urs@cs.stanford.edu (Urs Hoelzle)
Reply-To: urs@cs.stanford.edu
To: self-interest
Subject: Self video tape
Message-Id: <CMM.>
Resent-To: real-self-interest
Resent-Date: Wed, 4 Nov 92 11:17:50 PST
Resent-From: Urs Hoelzle <urs@otis>
I have been asked by several people whether we have a Self tutorial on
video tape. Unfortunately, we do not have a recording of the full (3
hour) Self tutorial given at ECOOP, but we do have a tape of a
lecture on Self given in a programming languages course at Stanford.
The lecture is 50 minutes long and gives an introduction into the
basic ideas of Self. It does not cover some advanced topics like
multiple inheritance or privacy. If there's enough interest I could
also provide PostScript for a set of student handouts (copies of the
slides used in the lecture).
If you're interested in getting the tape (for around $25), please drop
me a line. The tape is copyrighted by Stanford, i.e. duplication or
for-profit use requires written permission. (Educational use is ok.)
5-Nov-92 16:02:55-GMT,10545;000000000000
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id AA04333; Thu, 5 Nov 92 08:02:55 PST
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From: jackson@parcplace.com (Frank Jackson)
Message-Id: <9211050041.AA14822@central>
Date: 4 November 1992 4:41:53 pm
Subject: Re: Weak Arrays
In-Reply-To: eliot@dcs.qmw.ac.uk's letter of: 23 October 1992
To: self-interest@myself.stanford.edu
Cc: eliot@dcs.qmw.ac.uk
Fonts: 9514 1
Resent-To: real-self-interest
Resent-Date: Thu, 5 Nov 92 8:02:54 PST
Resent-From: Urs Hoelzle <urs@otis>
Below are some (lengthy) comments on Eliot's message regarding weak references
and finalization. Delete now if you're not interested.
>I've just implemented weak referees (WeakArray, WeakOrderedCollection etc)
>and finalization (objects with a finalize method get sent finalize when they're
>about to die) in my deferred reference counting collector. It took three days
>to do (because I made some stupid mistakes). If you have a working garbage
>collector that you understand and some spare bits in objects (you can usually
>shrink the size field) it should be very easy to implement.
Congratulations on being able to implement finalization in a mere matter of
days! However, I think that your task may have been simplified somewhat by the
fact that you were working with an embalming collector (i.e., one that directly
manipulates--embalms, so to speak--an object in order to reclaim its memory),
and deferred reference-counting mechanisms are, to a first approximation,
embalming collectors.
For example, reference-counting collectors, traditional mark-sweep collectors,
and other collectors that explicitly recycle objects can implement finalization
by simply marking those objects that are subject to finalization in some manner
(e.g., by turning on a bit in the object's header) and then checking to see if
a "dead" object is subject to finalization prior to actually recycling the
object (the reference count bits can also be used to indicate that an object is
subject to finalization--see the discussion on weak references below). If it
turns out that a "dead" object is subject to finalization, theH XtManageChildren ambiguousParent Not all children have same parent in XtManageChildren %d communicationError select Select failed; error code %s invalidParameter xtAddInput invalid condition passed to XtAppAddInput invalidProcedure inputHandler XtRemoveInput: Input handler not found D E E E yM@ vڴ u C v۔ v * s yL EObject yMP invalidWidget grabKeyOrButton Widget specified in grab is not a widget ungrabKeyOrButton Widget specified in ungrab is not a widget invalidGrab ungrabKeyOrButton Attempt to remove nonexistent passive grab grabDevice Grab widget must be a realized widget ungrabDevice Grab widget must be a realized widget invalidClass xtPopup XtPopup requires a subclass of shellWidgetClass invalidGrabKind xtPopup grab kind argument has invalid value; XtGrabNone assumed invalidClass xtPopdown XtPopdown requires a subclass of shellWeH tClass G H v0 I J K L M N H yLyP , vl v _@ F v * _0 yP, Rect invalidParent xtCopyFromParent C ^ ' @ L % u0 8 &