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VM install (FYI)

here are some problems i got during VM install from source (svr4/Optionnal*)
and the workarounds i used. Probably not very interesting for the most of you
but, who knows?, it may help somebody

- in addition to gcc and libg++, gmake is needed, known as 'make' (some
  scripts in bin/shell say 'make' so $(MAKE) does not get through)

- when X11 includes are needed, there is no provision to use
  /usr/openwin/include. this can be fixed externally by C_INCLUDE_PATH
  and CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH environment variables

- memory/map.{c,h} and lookup/cacheStub.c triggered an internal error
  in gcc-2.5.8/libg++-2.5.3 on my SS10 for svr4/optimized (g++ -O -g).
  'g++ -O2' seems OK for these modules.

- memory/Makefile contains a line with only a TAB before the first rule.
  to be deleted

- self/{stat,termcap,xlib}.primMaker.h are missing so Self builds but
  none of {stat,termcap,xlib}_glue.so (you cannot load allCore.sm
  completely). for this one i loaded (_RunScript) all the modules
  from 'allCore.sm' except 'stat.sm' and 'ttySupport.sm', then
  'primitiveMaker.sm' and finally {stat,termcap,xlib}Templates.self
  which generate the missing xxx.primMaker.h

- when loading 'termcap_wrappers.sm', dlopen of termcap_glue.so fails
  due to UNDEF's on 'index' and 'rindex' inherited (OOP oblige!) from
  it is possible to define direct wrappers for strchr and strrchr, named
  index and rindex, in termcap_glue.c
  in fact i modified 'termcap_glue.make'

  include .......
  include .......
  include .......
  include .......

############# TEMPORARY HACK ###############
# Solaris 2.3 termcap lib (/usr/ucblib/libtermcap.a) contains
# UNDEFs for index and rindex   
# get them from /usr/ucblib/libucb.a
# clause inspired from MakefileObjTemplate
${NAME}.so: ${NAME}.o
        @lock_run _$@.lock " \
                echo Linking $@; \
                ar xv /usr/ucblib/libucb.a index.o rindex.o; \
                ld ${GLUE_LD_FLAGS} -o $@ $< index.o rindex.o ${EXTRA_LIBS}; \

  as can be seen from the symbols map, 'termcap_glue.so' from the
  modified distibution (mid january) is very different and does not
  have 'index' nor 'rindex' symbols so the best solution is probably
  to ask for the new source.

now it works (a little slowly with 'only' 32Mb of RAM). Let's try
this superb product.

THANKS to the Self Team

Francis Puech