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Re: Mango parser for Self?
On Tue, 19 Dec 1995 16:05:46 -0500,
Cameron Elliott <cam@indy.mvbms.com> wrote:
> Has anyone written a Mango grammer description for Self ?
I don't think so, but I started to do it a long time ago. I never finished
or tested it, but here is what I wrote:
------------------------ start of s3.grm ----------------------
Name: 's3'
Behavior: 's3.behavior.self'
Syntax: SLR(1)
<exprssion> ::= <keyMess>;
<keyMess> ::| <binkey> <rkey>;
<binkey> ::= <binMess> <keyopt>;
<rkey> ::= <resend> <kMess>;
<keyopt> ::? <kMess>;
<kMess> ::= {smallKey} <argList>;
<argList> ::+ <keyMess> {capKey};
<binMess> ::| <unbin> <rbin>;
<unbin> ::= <unaryMess> <bList>;
<rbin> ::= <resend> <bMess> <bList>;
<bList> ::* <bMess>;
<bMess> ::= {operator} <expression>;
<unaryMess> ::| <primun> <run>;
<primun> ::= <primary> <uopt>;
<run> ::= <resend> <uMess>;
<uMess> ::+ {identifier};
<resend> ::| <ropt> <directed>;
<ropt> ::? 'resend.';
<directed> ::= {identifier} '.';
<primary> ::| 'self' {number} {string} <method> <block> <annotation>;
<method> ::= '(' <slotList> <code> ')';
<block> ::= '[' <slotList> <code> ']';
<anootation> ::= '{' {string} <primary> '}';
<code> ::? <codes>
<codes> ::| <codeList> <codeBoth> <return>;
<codeBoth> ::= <codeList> '.' <return>;
<codeList> ::+ <expression> '.';
<return> ::= '^' <expression> <dotopt>;
<dotopt> ::? '.';
<slotList> ::? <sList>;
<sList> ::= '|' <sList2> '|';
<sList2> ::* <slotDefs>;
<slotDefs> ::| <annotSlots> <slotDef>;
<slotDef> ::+ <slot> '.';
<annotSlots> ::= '{' {string} <sList2> '}';
<slot> ::| <privDecl> <simpleDecl>;
<privDecl> ::= <privacy> <simpleDecl>;
<privacy> ::| '^' '_' '^_' '_^';
<simpleDecl> ::| <argSlot> <dataSlot> <bSlot> <kSlot>;
<argSlot> ::= ':' <slotName>;
<dataSlot> ::= <slotName> <initopt>;
<initopt> ::? <datainit>;
<datainit> ::| <varinit> <constinit>;
<varinit> ::= '<-' <expression>;
<constinit> ::= '=' <expression>;
<bSlot> ::= {operator} <bDef>;
<bDef> ::| <bDef1> <bDef2>;
<bDef1> ::= '=' <method>;
<bDef2> ::= {identifier} '=' <method>;
<kSlot> ::= {smallKeyword} <kDef>;
<kDef> ::| <kDef1> <kDef2>;
<kDef1> ::= <ceList> '=' <method>;
<kDef2> ::= <cList> '=' <method>;
<ceList> ::* {identifier} {capKeyword};
<cList> ::* {capKeyword};
<slotName> ::= {identifier} <paropt>;
<paropt> ::? '*';
Lex: SLR(1)
{digit} = [0-9];
{smallLetter}= [a-z];
{capLetter} = [A-Z];
{letter} = [a-zA-Z];
{opChar} = [!@#$%^&*-+=~/?<>,;|`\\];
{smallstart} = {smallLetter} | '_';
{indentChars}= {digit} | {letter} | '_';
{delimChar} = [()\[\]{}.:];
{blank} = [ \t\n] | {comment}
{comment} = '"' {commentStuff}* '"';
{whitespace} -> {blank}+;
{op} -> {opChar}+;
{capKeyword} -> {capLetter}{identChars}+ ':';
{smallKeyword}-> {smallstart}{identChars}+ ':';
{identifier} -> {smallLetter}{identChars}+;
------------------------ end of s3.grm ------------------------
Notes: I doubt very much that the grammar is SRL(1) - I just put
that done until I figure out what it should be. The lexical part
is very incomplete (mostly missing comments, numbers and strings).
The "-" is rather nasty and this mango file doesn't handle it
correctly. The "." char isn't taken care of here either.
One element that showed up in Self 4.0 is a new syntax for
object annotation declaration - it isn't handled here.
I hope this isn't worse than nothing ;-)
-- Jecel