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Drag&Drop for argument setting

A very nice thing would be the facility to set the value
of an argument by drag&drop (akin to pointer grabbing).

Assume you are writing an expression in an evaluator and
you want to use an (e.g. not-well-known) object as the value
for an actual argument or as the righthand side of an assignment
than you only have to shift-click on the desired object.
The reference to this object is inserted on the point where
your input focus was, indicated by a sprouted pointer 
and the focus is behind the reference sign (=) so you can
go on writing your expression.

+---------------+		+---------------+
| an object	|	------>	| an object	|
+---------------+      /	+---------------+
|  do: a	|     /		|  ...		|
+===============+    /		+---------------+
|do: (=)------------/		|  ...		|
|		|		|		|
+---------------+		+---------------+
|evaluate|dismis|		|		|
+---------------+		+---------------+
